Amor incondicional, vivido com a maior intensidade, sinceridade e ternura. Com eles partilhamos afectos e cumplicidades ♡ 🐾 Vamos lá espalhar amor, felicidade & mimos! 🐶 🐱 Votos de uma semana super mimosa para todos os que nos seguem ♡ 🐾
Selfie com a Ranis 🐶 🐶
Unconditional love, lived with great intensity, sincerity and tenderness. With them we share affections and complicities ♡ 🐾 Let's spread love, happiness & cuddles ! 🐶 🐱 Wish a super sweet day for all of you that follow us ♡ 🐾
Selfie with Ranis 🐶 🐶
Unconditional love, lived with great intensity, sincerity and tenderness. With them we share affections and complicities ♡ 🐾 Let's spread love, happiness & cuddles ! 🐶 🐱 Wish a super sweet day for all of you that follow us ♡ 🐾
Selfie with Ranis 🐶 🐶
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